What you'll Need:
1 cup flour(I found I need to add a bit more at the end)
1/2 of warm water
1/2 cup of salt
Food Coloring(A packet of kool aid!!)
A mixing bowl
A spoon, my son enjoyed using a wisk and I used the spoon
Cutting Board
You mix it all together in the mixing bowl and then knead it until its dough like. I found it to be sticky and had to knead in more flour but then it was perfect.
My son had so much fun adding all the ingredients and trying to mix it with the wisk. Then he helped me knead it on the cutting board. This kept us busy for probably 25 minutes and the play doh itself kept him busy even longer. I know regilar playdoh is non toxic, but is all cooking stuff. Harmless. My son licked the spoon and thought it was gross. Lol. No harm done. And it smells better! It also relates to your little one helping you to cook! Which can also be fun! It was agreat activity! Reguires some clean up. :) I enjoyed it! And the play doh smells great!
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